People without any hip condition have also benefited from the help of hip exercises. Working out and strengthening the muscles of this area greatly helps build flexibility and stability also decreasing the chances of taking an injury.

The hip extension activity is used almost for everything, when you are moving your leg or when you run forwards you tend to use the hip extensors.
When the hip muscles and the core muscles are weak there is a tilt in the pelvis which causes excessive pressure to be exerted on the lower back causing tear in the hamstrings.
The hip muscles are composed of many muscles which work on the hip joint, without which walking would be impossible as they help stabilize the pelvis. The muscles are as follows:
- The Iliopsoas group
- The gluteal muscles
- The hip adductors
Each of the above groups of muscles is multiple more muscles under them. Each group of muscles has a different function. The iliopsoas group causes the flexion of the trunk and the thighs.
The gluteal muscles cause the extension, rotation abduction ( movement away from the midline of the body), and adduction( movement towards the midline of the body) of the thigh. The deep gluteal muscles also help stabilize the head of the femur.
The hip adductor causes the adduction of the thigh at the hip joint.
Here are some exercises to try:
Glute bridges
It is excellent for the beginner or non-gym goers as it requires no equipment. You may use a dumbbell or a barbell if you wish to make the exercise more challenging.
- Lay down on the floor and bend your knees.
- Place your arms on the sides.
- Your feet should be wide away from each other.
- Push your hips up as you brace your core and squeeze your glutes.
- Hold for a second and lower your hips.
Perform 15 reps of 3 sets

The hip thrusts
One of the most popular hip extension exercises.
- Place your shoulders on a bench.
- Bend at your knees.
- Place a dumbbell on your hips and hold it with your hands.
- Once in the correct position push your hips upwards as you squeeze in your glutes and brace your core.
- Slowly come back to the same position.
Try and aim for about 2 sets of 8 reps.
upright hip thrusts are a variation of the normal hip thrusts that require you you push your glutes back as you stand on your knees and with your hands on your hips.
Avoid using your back to push yourself up. you can alternatively use a barbell for the weights and avoid using a kettlebell. Ensure your torso is parallel to the floor when you have completely pushed yourself up.
Quad kickback
This exercise greatly targets the glutes and is beginner friendly.
- Start in a dog position with all your plans and knees touching the ground.
- Keep your back straight.
- As you engage your core shift all the weight to one leg and lift the other leg.
- Push the foot that is elevated backward and upwards making sure it is straight and almost parallel to the ground.
- Return back to the same position and perform on the other side.
Aim for 2 sets of 10 reps on each leg.
Romanian deadlift with single leg
This exercise helps you improve your balance and core strength, along with your glutes and hamstrings.
- Stand on your left foot with your knees bent.
- Hold a kettlebell or a dumbbell in your right hand.
- With your left leg on the ground bend forward holding the weight and straightening the leg back so that the left and the upper body are in a straight line horizontal to the ground.
10 reps, 2 sets on each side.
Require only a bench or a surface that is not too high off the ground.
- Stand in front of the bench.
- Lift one foot off the ground and placing it on the bench.
- Start the exercise by lifting the other foot and placing it on the bench.
- Now slowly place the foot on the floor and this accounts for one rep.
Perform 10 reps, 3 sets on each side.
lateral step-ups are a variant of the step-ups, requiring you to do step-ups from the side.
Sidestep exercise with bands
Use a thicker band if you’d like to increase the resistance.
- Stand with your back straight in a half squat position.
- Place a resistance band on your lower thighs.
- Take 20 steps in one direction while you stretch the band.
- Do it on the opposite side.
Clamshell exercise
This exercise strengthens your lower back, your thighs, hips, and glutes. It has been found to relieve tightness in the lower back.
- Lay down on your side bending your knees( fetus position).
- Use a resistance band if available and place it around your thighs.
- Lift your top leg as far up as you can, and hold.
- Lower back to the starting position.
- Repeat
2sets 12 reps each
Hip circles
This exercise increases your stability.
- Stand on one leg with the other lifted off the ground.
- Move the leg in the air around making imaginary circles.
- Do it with the other leg.
15 circles with each leg.
Robot walk
This exercise engages your core, quads, hips, and hamstrings. It also in building a great posture.
- Stand straight with your arms directly in front of you with your palms facing the floor.
- Slowly walk forward while you raise on leg up to the level of your hands.
- Continue for 30 seconds to 1 minute until your feel your core burning.
Here are some hip injuries that people usually incur Bursitis, snapping hip, lateral tear, dislocation, and osteitis pubis are injuries that can be avoided with the help of hip exercises.
Avoid hip flexion exercises, and avoid lunges and squats if there is a considerable amount of pain in the hips, these people can perform exercises by sitting down on the floor or in water as it reduces the stress on the hips.
Exercises for senior citizen
Sit down marching
This exercise has been shown to build strength and flexibility in your hips.
- Sit at the edge of a chair.
- Raise your right leg as high as it allows you to while keeping your knee bent.
- Lower your feet slowly.
- Do this on the left leg.
Perform 2 sets of 10 reps
Knee lifts
These are simple exercises that can be performed by senior citizens and people with hip injuries.
- Lay down on your back.
- extend both your legs.
- Keep one leg on the floor as you bend and raise the other leg pulling it towards your chest.
- Hold, slowly come back to the starting position.
- Perform on the other side.
Floor hip flexion
This exercise helps with stretching your thighs and glutes.
- Lay down on the floor with your back to the ground and pull your left leg close to your chest.
- Press the backside of your right down touching the floor while you feel the tension in your hips
- Hold this position for about 20 seconds.
Perform this 10 times on each side

Exercises for patients with arthritis
Butterfly pose
This exercise increases your flexibility and reduces back pain.
- Sit down on the floor and fold your legs with both your feet touching each other.
- Hold your feet with both hands.
- As you try to flatten your thighs also come as close as you can to your feet with your head.
Knees to the chest
This exercise increases your flexibility and improves stability in your hips.
- lay down on your back.
- Fold your legs as you raise them above the ground.
- Fold your hands and embrace your legs with them.
- Without losing position and your back straight pull your legs closer to your chest.
- Hold for 3 seconds and release.
Exercises for hip pain
Flat hip rotations
- Lay down on the floor with the back to the ground.
- Proceed to bend your knees sideways while keeping your back straight.
- Slowly rotate your knees to one side towards the floor. Make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are not lifted off the ground.
- Maintain this position for 10 seconds
- Slowly lift your legs back to the normal position as you prepare to rotate them towards the other side.
- Repeat on the other side.
The hip movements involve one of the strongest muscles of the body, These muscles are used in most daily activities like walking, running, and other instances like sports. But due to changing, lifestyles people have begun sitting for long durations with very minimal physical activity throughout the day.
Even if there is any physical activity like going to the gym many people tend to ignore working on their hip muscles. As this article has discussed all the do’s and don’t now get out of that sofa and utilize this knowledge.
maintain a routine to observe the best results and you should always aim to get in some exercise done on a daily basis. Remember to do strength training along with these stretching exercises for overall body fitness