Strong abs are probably one of the main fitness goals of any guy. Although doing the basic push-ups or crunches do not give satisfactory results. Moreover, these exercises can harm your back. 

There are some best core exercises for men for not only strengthening your abs but the entire group of muscles from your upper back to the inner thighs (nothing but your core muscles). This might make you wonder: what exercises are going to give me the abs that I dream of? 

To get the basics right, first, we would like you to know about the core muscles. Your core involves the rectus abdominis, erector spinae, transverse abdominis, multifidus and obliques. Other muscles that also make up the core are your glutes, hamstrings, hip abductors, hip flexors, diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles. 

What are core workouts for men? 

From the name, core means the “central” mid region of your body. No doubt that this serves as a foundation for various daily movements. All the core muscles are involved in walking, bending, twisting or leaning. Furthermore, they help you have balance and stability. 

Fun fact: The rectus abdominis is famously called the “six-pack” muscle. There are numerous ways and exercises to build a strong core and get six-pack abs. Doing exercise that only targets the abs are not enough. Selecting the right exercises which target every aspect of the core is important. 

Below is a complete breakdown of the 11 most favourite ab exercises to include in your core workouts. They are a complete package that’ll help you build the core you have always wanted and also make almost all the daily movements and activities simpler. 

Single-arm high plank 

Single-arm high plank is a core exercise move that strengthens your core and the lower back. It also helps you improve your stability and balance. Balance is important for people of all age groups. As this exercise is helpful with that we suggest you incorporate this basic plank variation into your everyday workouts. 

  • Start by going into a high plank position. Place your feet a little wider than the regular high plank. 
  • Once you feel stable, lift one arm and extend it down to the side of the body. 
  • Push away from the floor with the help of the supporting arm. 
  • Do not hold your breath while doing this move. 

Hollow hold 

The hollow hold is a classic exercise you’ll find in any gymnast’s fitness regimen. It is efficient in building your core strength along with correcting your posture. The key here is to flex your abs to press the lower back into the floor as you raise your arms and legs. 

  • Start by lying on your back with your arms extended over your head. 
  • Keep your legs straight and feet together. 
  • Engage your core. 
  • Now, raise your legs, arms and shoulders off the ground by flattening the lower back to the ground. 
  • You can start by holding the pose for about 30 seconds 3 times. 
  • Only the lumbar spine region should be in contact with the floor. 

Ball slam

This exercise targets the deltoids, triceps, biceps, glutes, quads, calves, and hamstrings as well along with the rectus abdominis. With this exercise, you are not just working your abs, you are working your shoulders too.

We suggest you go for a slam ball instead of a medicine ball as it can give more bounce. We can assure you that this is a fun exercise to do. 

  • Stand with your knees slightly bent. 
  • Extend your arms and lift the ball over your head. 
  • Engage your core and now slam the ball towards the floor by bending at your hips. 
  • Catch the ball as it bounces up and repeats this. 

Russian twist

The Russian twist is a typical core exercise that you can do anywhere without the use of any equipment. If it is done the right way, only your body weight is enough to work your core muscles. Once you master the basic Russian twist, you can level it up with a dumbbell or a medicine ball. 

  • Sit on the floor and extend out your legs 
  • Lean back slightly such that your torso and legs are in a V shape. Engage your core. 
  • Keep your legs stationary and while balancing this pose, move your torso from one side to the other slowly. 
  • Keep breathing throughout the exercise. 

Windshield wipers 

For doing the windshield wipers exercise, you will need barbells and an exercise mat. This exercise solely targets your obliques and the rectus abdominis muscle. 

  • Start with lying down on the floor and holding a barbell above your chest.
  • Keep your legs together and your hands fixed while you move your legs into an L-shape. 
  • Now, lower your legs down to the side and do not touch them to the floor. 
  • Make sure the barbell is raised ideally. 

Hanging leg raise 

Find a pull-up bar/ high bar. You will easily find it at your gym. This is a complex exercise as it targets multiple muscles at a time such as the adductors, obliques, rectus femoris and of course the rectus abdominis. 

  • Make a v-shape with your arms. Grip the bar and drop into a dead hand. 
  • Put your feet together. 
  • Now, raise your legs till they make 90 degrees with your torso while keeping them straight. 
  • Then, slowly lower back your legs to the starting position and repeat. 

Superman hold 

This exercise requires you to focus on the sync of your upper and lower bodies. Superman holds works well on your core along with the glutes, hamstrings, upper traps and spinal erectors

  • Lie on your stomach on an exercise mat with your spine and neck in a neutral position. 
  • Extend both your arms and legs at once just like superman flying through the air. 
  • Ensure only your waist and belly button are in contact with the floor. 
  • To begin with, hold the position for about 15 seconds and gradually increase the time based on your progress. 

Mountain climbers 

This is a variation of the basic plank which works your core muscles. This is one of the best core exercises you may try this exercise once you master the basic one. 

  • Start with the perfect plank with your hands flat on the floor with wrists beneath your shoulders. 
  • Now, drive your knees alternatively while keeping your neck neutral, spine straight, and butt down. 
  • To begin with, do 3 to 4 reps of 30 seconds each. 

Ab-wheel rollout 

Ab-wheel rollout works your obliques, rectus abdominis and the erector spinae. All you need for this ab exercise is an ab wheel. You may or may or use an exercise mat. 

  • Kneel on the floor holding an ab wheel. 
  • Hold the wheel in the centre beneath your shoulders and engage your core. 
  • Now, roll forward till the tension in your core is released. 
  • Roll back into the starting position. 
  • Perform as many reps as you can and maintain the right form in every rep. 

Gator rolls 

The hollow hold is a great ab exercise. Further mastering the move, challenge yourself with this tougher version to improve your control and focus. Though it is tough to perform, by focusing on your form you’ll get stronger. 

  • Lie on your back with your feet slightly off the floor. 
  • Extend your left arm over your head and the right arm at 45 degrees to your shoulder. 
  • Engage your core and hold the position for a count of 4. 
  • Now, roll your body to the right until your whole body is twisted with your hands and legs still off the floor. 
  • Again hold the position for 4 seconds and roll back to the right. 
  • Switch the position of your arms and perform the same on the opposite side. 
  • Do 5 reps on each side. 

Front squat 

This squat variation challenges your core like no other squat variation. By adding front squats to your workout routine, you have targeted your abs while also strengthening your quads and hamstrings. 

  • Start by holding a barbell across the front side of your shoulders. 
  • Engage your core and keep your chest up. 
  • Now, bend your hips and knees into a squat till your thighs are parallel to the ground. 
  • Drive back up to the starting position by straightening your knees and hips. 

Benefits of core workouts 

It is an obvious fact that the best core exercises and ab workouts give you a wide range of benefits. The first benefit that excites all men is the one that can meet the eye- a strong core or the six-pack. Apart from that, core exercises boost your sense of balance and stability.

By incorporating these exercises into your workout regimen, you will see betterment in your posture. Did you know that these exercises can reduce your back pain? Yes! For many grown men, back pain is a consistent and common problem.

Core-focused workout regimen can solve this problem along with medications. For this, you need to make sure you perform the right exercises as the wrong choice of exercises can worsen your pain. By strengthening your core, you are also improving your overall athletic performance too.

These exercises along with full-body strength training will further reduce the risk of injuries. 


Core workouts and other strength training exercises will help you achieve your desired fitness goals. You can check the article “get your core strengthened with these exercises” on the Wryll app for more such core exercises to include in your routine based on your fitness level. 

Consult your fitness trainer or a physician before starting a workout routine. If you are suffering from any injuries, especially back injuries, check with your physical therapist or a doctor before doing any of the exercises mentioned.

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