If it is your first pregnancy it is really important to consult a doctor, and ask them if it’s safe your you to work out. If you have always been a person who exercises before they got pregnant or not, it is usually pretty safe and advantageous for both the mother and the child.

Healthy pregnant women usually need to work out for 2 to 3 hours each week and the majority of it being aerobic exercises like swimming, walking, or cycling.

Benefits of regular exercise during pregnancy

regular exercise in pregnant women has shown a reduced risk of complications of pregnancy and eases any discomfort faced during pregnancy like back pains. It helps you stay healthy and also feel good.

exercise during pregnancy has been found to prevent gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

During pregnancy, aerobic exercise has shown to reduce backaches, reduce constipation, and bloating

It has been found to boost your mood and energy levels, It also helps you sleep better.

It promotes healthy weight gain and strengthens your heart and blood vessels.

It prevents excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

It promotes the toning of muscles, strengthening, and promoting endurance.

It helps shorten the labour period and greatly reduces the risk of undergoing C-sections. It also helps build stamina which is needed during labour and pregnancy.

Pregnant women with the following conditions might have to avoid exercising

if there is a premature rupture of membranes or if a pregnant woman is severely anaemic, preterm labour in which regular contractions cause the opening of the cervix if the pregnant woman experiences bleeding or is asthmatic.

The following activities are safe during pregnancy


Walking is extremely beneficial for anybody be it, an old aged person, pregnant woman, or children. It promotes oxygen intake regulates your blood pressure, protects your heart from cardiac diseases, and increases your lung capacity while also easing your joints and muscles.

If you are new to exercising, this is the best one to start at.


Water supports the weight of your growing baby not adding too much for you to handle, this sport helps increase your heart rate, If you are suffering from back pain trying swimming is the way to go.

Riding a stationary bike

This is safer compared to a normal bike as you are not required to balance the bike and you are less likely to fall off.

Strength training

Strength training helps build muscle mass and strengthen your bones which can help you withstand the added weight during the pregnancy and helps you stay strong after the delivery. It is advised to strength train with lighter weights.


The actual aim of performing yoga during pregnancy is to help the mother deal with any complications and help her with the delivery without much hassle.

With all this said, yoga is mainly used in strengthening the pelvic muscles helping to enhance the womb space for the healthy growth of the fetus.

Here are a few Yoga asanas that you could perform:

Vakarasana ( The twisted pose)

It helps with strengthening your spine, legs, and neck, it also massages your abdominal muscles.

  • Sit down with your back straight.
  • Stretch your feet out in front of you.
  • Raise your arms to the level of your shoulder as you inhale.
  • Keep your palms facing the floor.
  • Twist your body from the waist towards a side also moving your head and hands to the same side.
  • Reach your arms as back as possible.
  • Avoid bending your knees.
  • Come back to the normal position as you inhale.
  • Repeat the same on the other side.

Utkarasana ( The chair pose )

It strengthens the muscles in your legs and the pelvic muscles.

  • Stand straight with your feet a bit away from each other.
  • Keep your feet parallel to each other.
  • Raise your heels and arms as you inhale.
  • Exhale slowly while sitting down in a squatting position on your toes.
  • Go back to the starting position while you inhale.
  • Exhale, and bring your hand down.

    Avoid squatting if it feels uncomfortable.

Konasana or the angle pose

It increases the flexibility of your waist and keeps in check fat build-up around the waist.

  • Stand straight against a wall with your feet placed apart.
  • Raise either of your hand keeping your elbow straight and bend to the opposite side as you inhale.
  • Exhale as you come back putting your hands down.
  • Repeat the asana on the other side.

Prayankasana ( hams pose with one leg)

It helps strengthen your abdominal thing and pelvic muscles.

  • Begin by lying down on your back, keep your legs straight and knees together.
  • Fold a leg under your body.
  • Breathe in and out.
  • Repeat on the other side.

If it feels uncomfortable you can fold the leg to your side.

Hast pananfustasana ( extended hand to bog toe pose )

It strengthens your thigh and pelvic muscles.

  • Lay down on your back and straighten your legs.
  • Place your hands horizontally to your shoulders making a T position.
  • Slide one of your legs to that side.
  • Repeat the same on the other side.

Bhadrasana ( Butterfly pose )

It helps strengthen the inner thighs and pelvic muscles.

  • Sit on the floor or mat with your legs fully stretched.
  • Sit straight and form a ‘namaste’ with your legs.
  • Hold the posture till you start to feel uncomfortable.
  • Come back to the resting position.
  • Repeat.

Parvatasana ( mountain pose )

It improves posture and gives relief from back pain and neck pain.

  • Sit down in sukhasana or preferably padmasana.
  • Sit straight.
  • As you inhale raise your hands and join them above your head making the ‘namaste’.
  • Remember to keep your elbows straight.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Come back to normal.
  • Repeat it 4 to 5 times.

Yastikasana ( stick pose )

It corrects the posture and relieves the body from any tension

  • Lay down on your back.
  • Straighten your legs.
  • Keep your knees and feet together.
  • Keep your feet pointed upwards and your hands on the side.
  • Inhale as you raise your hands, stretch upwards
  • raise your hands and come back to the original position while you exhale
  • Repeat this 4 to 5 times while taking breaks

 A lot of happy hormones are released during any physical activity especially yoga called the ‘endorphins’ that help keep the mother energetic

Activities you must avoid when pregnant

Avoid exercising at high altitudes or activities that can cause you to take direct damage to the abdomen like boxing or Sky diving, scuba diving, gymnastics, hot yoga, and playing common sports like football or basketball.

Signs you should stop exercising

Stop exercising in case of:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • If you begin to feel dizzy
  • If you experience muscle weakness
  • headaches
  • sudden swelling in ankles
  • irregular heartbeat
  • feel cold
  • have difficulty walking

You need to reach out to your doctor if you want to start exercising after the delivery, it is also important to work out after birth to prevent risks of deep vein thrombosis and to elevate your mood. Additionally, it can help you lose a few pounds.

Precautions to take while exercising during pregnancy

Drink a lot of water before, while, and after a workout session or you may experience symptoms like dizziness, racing, and pounding of your heart which may also cause your urine to be dark yellow.

Use a belly support belt during the later stages of your pregnancy as it helps reduce discomfort while walking, running, or performing other exercises.

Avoid overheating your body, especially during the first trimester, wear loose baggy clothes to make you feel comfortable and at ease, exercise in a room with a controlled temperature, and avoid exercising outside when it is hot outside.

Avoid standing still for long periods as much as possible. If you stand still for long periods it may cause blood to pool in your ankles, legs, and feet and thus causing a decrease in blood pressure temporarily.

Also, avoid laying on your back if it produces discomfort as your uterus presses on a large vein that helps return the blood to the heart.


With all the tips you have managed to gather, pregnant women must take into consideration with utmost diligence her health before starting any of the exercises. Those who have begun doing exercises for the first time and have never worked out before should take it slow and also have medical consent.

The first three months are the most crucial as there may be chances of miscarriage, hence immense precaution must be taken during this time. If you have been active before pregnancy it might be easier for you to get going, if you feel any kind of pain or discomfort or are having problems during these exercises try to avoid the activity.

To make these activities less boring try to do them with a companion like your child, or another pregnant woman who can help boost your confidence or just try a class and ultimately stay motivated.

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