Do you know how crucial your gut is in your overall health and well-being? If you think that your gut is only helping with digestion, you must know that your gut hosts several “good bacteria” which keep you in good health. 

These bacteria produce vitamins and support your immune system. They are also helpful in defending against harmful bacteria. They are crucial for normal digestion as well. An imbalance in the good and bad bacteria in the gut can cause complications. 

A healthy gut plays a huge part as it is greatly responsible for absorbing essential nutrients and eliminating waste from the body. Many factors like poor eating habits, alcohol and irregular meals can imbalance gut health.

Simple bloating can irritate you and you may feel uneasy. Gut health is so important that it is said that a healthy gut is the key to a healthy body, mind and soul. If there’s any imbalance in your gut, it can make you susceptible to several infections and diseases.

The best way to maintain a healthy gut is by eating gut-loving and nutrient-rich foods. Read on to know what foods are best for your gut. 

Here’s a list of foods that can clean and keep your gut healthy:


This is an amazing source of gut-friendly bacteria which are called probiotics. It improves digestion. You may have yoghurt as a snack along with fruits. If you are looking for quick relief when experiencing bloating, constipation or diarrhoea, yoghurt can help you with it. Go for yoghurts with high protein and low sugar content. 

Whole grains 

Whole grains have become a part of our diet years ago and they still are a very important part. These whole grains are fibre-rich and have indigestible carbs. These carbs reach the large intestine and help in promoting the good bacteria in your gut.

Research backs this as whole grains were proven to promote the growth of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and bacteroidetes. However, some gluten-containing whole grains like wheat, rye and barley can negatively impact your gut by causing inflammation in a few people. 


This superfood is an excellent source of some micronutrients. Additionally, it is rich in fibre. If you have trouble with gas, then you can opt for avocados as they are less likely to cause gas issues. 


A handful of almonds every day can help you strengthen your gut. They are rich in various nutrients such as vitamin E, fibre and fatty acids.

Chia seeds 

Chia seeds produce a substance in the gut which promotes the growth of gut-friendly bacteria in the intestines. Furthermore, being fibre-packed, it can also help with constipation. 


This low-sugar, fibre-dense fruit is said to act as an antacid by protecting the intestines from digestive acids. It also causes relief from heartburn. Moreover, bananas contain inulin which can enhance the growth of good bacteria.

Being pocket-friendly they are one of the best foods for digestion. If you are suffering from diarrhoea or constipation, eating bananas can be your go-to. Adding these to your diet can help you with overall bowel function. 


Ginger has plenty of health benefits. Did you know ginger can relieve nausea? Additionally, it acts on the digestive tract and stimulates it. Ginger has gingerol, which has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. You may consume it in many ways.

Although, ginger tea is the best-loved way to have it. It is not only good for your gut but it is very refreshing. Ginger is one of the best foods known to boost your immunity. 


Kiwi is said to ease digestion, especially the digestion of proteins. Green kiwis have an enzyme actinidin, which is helpful in the breakdown of proteins in the digestive tract. Owing to its high fibre content, it acts as a laxative too. 


Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are some exceptionally healthy fruits. A study has suggested that berries can reduce gut inflammation. Berries, rich in prebiotics, enhance nutrient absorption from the intestine. They can also protect your gut from certain toxins. 

Smoothies or toppings in yoghurt are the best ways to add berries to your regular diet. 


Guava, the sweet-sour-crunchy fruit, has an abundance of vitamins along with fibres. Consequently, guava is extremely good for your gut. The seeds of guava fruit are brilliant laxatives as they aid in east passages of stools. 

Olive oil 

As we have heard, intact gut bacterial flora is an essential factor in having a healthy gut. Olive helps you with doing the same. Furthermore, it has phenols and fatty acids which reduce inflammation. 

Leafy greens 

Green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli are great sources of vitamins, minerals and iron apart from fibres. Eating greens will heavily influence your gut health. It can improve your digestive system and help your gut work better. 

Other ways to improve gut health

Eat a plant-based diet: 

A study has suggested that a vegetarian or a plant-based diet reduces disease-causing bacteria in your gut when compared to animal-based foods. 

Lifestyle changes: 

Grabbing food from a restaurant chain or ordering in has become a lifestyle in the present day as it is an easy getaway. Eating out every day will indeed cause imbalances in the gut. 

Also, eating processed and refined foods not only leads to gut issues but is harmful to overall health. So, eating a variety of healthy foods and incorporating a wide range of vegetables, fruits and lentils can improve gut health drastically. 

Eating home-cooked food consistently will help you have a happy gut in the long run. 

Drink plenty of water: 

As you may have heard many times, drinking enough water is crucial not only for a healthy gut but for your overall health. Water helps in the elimination process of toxins from the body and absorption of essential nutrients as well. 

There is no better cleanser for your body than water. If you find it difficult to drink water frequently, use apps like Wryll to keep reminders. These apps will notify you when you have to drink a glass of water. 

Foods to avoid 

Besides the foods that can help you keep your gut in sound condition, some foods can have the opposite effect on your gut. 

Maintaining a healthy gut is not just about eating advantageous foods. It is also about avoiding certain harmful foods. Staying away from foods that specifically affect the gut bacterial flora is a must. 

Here are some foods that you may avoid: 

Artificial sweeteners: artificial sweeteners have been associated with affecting the microorganisms of your gut. Unless suggested by a healthcare provider or in cases of diabetic patients, it is best to avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible. 

Alcohol: one or two occasional drinks may cause no harm to your gut. But drinking frequently and more than 3 or 4 drinks can imbalance your gut. 

Make sure to restrict alcohol to moderate amounts as it can lead to acidity issues as well. 

Fast food: eating fried foods, especially junk foods from fast food chains has become very common lately. They cause several stomach issues like gassiness and pain. 

Foods like potato chips, candies, popcorn and crackers are best avoided. In general, avoiding fast food and extremely processed foods is good for overall wellness. 

Refined sugars: refined white sugar is an enemy to your gut. Although sugar of any form is harmful to your gut. If you have a sweet tooth, it might be difficult at first but it is for your good to stop eating excessive amounts of sugar. 

Sugary beverages like soda or carbonated drinks are meant to be kept away. 

Refined oils: refined sunflower or soybean oil are harmful to your gut. Instead, opt for better alternatives like olive or coconut oil. 


Gut health is essential to prevent many severe chronic diseases. This way, gut bacteria are important in all aspects of health. A disruption in this balance of good and bad bacteria can lead to several complications. 

Make sure to eat a healthy diet by incorporating all gut-friendly foods. Add a wide range of foods and do not restrict yourself to a certain type of food. However, try adding most of these foods from plant sources. Eat all the good food like lentils, vegetables and whole grains. 

Adding fermented foods and foods rich in prebiotics are the best ways to improve your gut health. Diversify your food choices and avoid all sorts of processed and refined foods. Avoiding such foods can help you with proper health even in the long run.

Additionally, it is important to know your sensitives or intolerances to maintain the gut. Speak to a doctor whenever you notice any symptoms including diarrhoea or constipation as these symptoms may sometimes be linked to some underlying causes.

Several gut diseases have become a common part of today’s world. Your gut is a way to your overall well-being. So, do not neglect even the smallest signs that you may notice. If you have any such illnesses, we suggest you follow the instructions of your doctor or a nutritionist. 

Consult a physician as soon as you notice any symptoms.

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