Foods to avoid when exercising

Are you working on your body for a better physique or overall fitness? Then you should be well aware of the food you take in. When you are working out, despite the goal behind it, it is always necessary to be mindful of what you are eating.

As we know, not all foods are healthy. These unhealthy foods can be the major reason for holding you back from reaching your fitness goal. Any fitness expert can guarantee you that the first step towards your physique and fitness goals is maintaining a proper diet.

Though all junk food can be mouth-wateringly tempting, they are nothing more than physique-killing foods. 

You must be drinking a “Diet Coke” thinking it’s true diet -friendly but a lesser known fact about these greatly advertised “healthy” sugar-free foods is that they’re equally damaging to your fitness goals and health overall as their normal counterparts.

Not all well-advertised or celebrity-promoted products are healthy. Do you think their opinion is trustworthy? Or will you trust a fitness expert? Anything in excess will do more harm than good and so is food. It is always important to know your limits whether you’re on a diet or not.

It may be hard to eliminate junk and oily foods from your everyday routine especially when you love partying but it is crucial to consume them to a limit. And if you are aiming for a great physique, it is essential to let go of all the unhealthy foods that you love.

You could be hitting the gym every day without a break but still not seeing the results. Then, it is high time you realize that you need to concentrate on your food habits too and cut down on your calorie intake. A good diet can fetch you numerous benefits. A clean diet is a stepping stone toward your desired body.

Below are a few foods that you must avoid when you are exercising:


All the ingredients used in a pizza might seem healthy. But when all of them are combined together along with the toppings, make up a huge calorie meal. One slice of pizza with toppings such as meat is about 400 calories.

The crust is made out of refined flour which is a red flag when you are trying to opt for healthier food options.

Ice cream:

Ice cream is one of the most loved desserts. However, when you are exercising and trying to tone your body, it is best to stay away from ice creams. Excessive sugar, fat, and calories make it one of the first foods to avoid eating when working out.

Fried foods:

You must have noticed that anything that is deep fried has an elevated taste altogether. From simple cheese to french fries, anything can be deep fried and taste heavenly. Nonetheless, the oils used for deep frying have high amounts of saturated fats and it adds up calories.

Eating fried food excessively or frequently can lead to belly fat.

White bread:

As many nutritionists suggest, white bread is not at all preferred. It raises blood glucose levels drastically. Furthermore, even brown bread is not considered a healthy alternative to white bread. Make sure to read the label and the ingredients in your bread before buying it.

Processed foods:

Processed foods are a big NO even when you are not exercising. Food will be completely refined. They’ll be added with extra sodium and saturated fats. As per the experts and nutritionists, you gain nothing by consuming these foods.

Ready-made salads

Pre-made salads or the ones you buy at the store are more fat-containing than healthy. The dressing over the greens adds up so many calories that sometimes it can be double. Add-ons over the salad like cheese, bacon, and nuts that are put in excess can shoot up the calories in a salad.

Diet Coke

Anything that is labeled as a “diet” is a red flag. It is essential to understand that it is nothing more than just a marketing strategy. In fact, the sweetener used in place of natural sugar causes harm to your body.

Dried fruits:

Fresh fruits are a must in your diet. On the contrary, dried fruits may not be desirable. They can contain added sugars and preservatives to increase their shelf life. Moreover, dried fruits are easy to be eaten in excess.

If you lack self-control, we suggest you stay away from dried or dehydrated fruits so that you do not end up overeating. Although, overnight soaked dry fruits are considered more beneficial.

What happens when you eat that food:

When you’re working out, your body needs nutrients to fuel it up. Nutrient-rich foods benefit your body by repairing it after an intense workout. They help make your body stronger. Eating right and being mindful of what you’re eating can make a huge difference to your body.

It helps you build a healthier lifestyle and reduces the risk of many complications despite just maintaining your fit physique.

Processed foods come with no nutritional value. When you’re eating processed foods, you’re just consuming empty calories. They provide no advantage instead they make your fitness journey a tougher ride.

It is important to avoid food with saturated fats as it can lead to severe health problems in the long run. Consuming foods with saturated fats for years without controlling the intake can lead to health conditions like diabetes and other cardiovascular problems.

You may enjoy going to a party and having a few slices of pizza. You might be thinking a slice or two might not cause any harm. But the amount of calories in a single slice of pizza takes a lot of effort to burn and also it indeed slows down your progress.

Ice creams and desserts contain high amounts of processed sugars which is harmful. It is important to stay away from carbonated drinks as well. The artificial sweeteners used in diet cokes can make your body produce unnecessarily high amounts of insulin.

Foods that you can replace them with:

After knowing what all foods to avoid and the harms they cause, you should definitely know about the foods that you can replace them with. There are healthier alternatives. They not only benefit you but are also tasty.

It is a myth that healthy food is not tasty. But once you start exploring, there can be much tastier alternatives to most processed foods.

Bread is one of the staples. When you are buying bread, you should always go for “whole wheat” bread rather than white or brown bread. As you are on your fitness journey, you must already be aware of how crucial greens are in your diet. A dressing can make or break the salad. For a healthy salad (in the right calorie range), use a light dressing.

Fruits are amazing for your sugar cravings. It is a great replacement for any processed sugars. You may feel full after eating one fruit as it has high water content. Therefore, there is no scope for overeating. Furthermore, fresh fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is suggested to eat fruits rather than consuming them in the form of fruit juices as you may end up adding extra sugar or any toppings which increase the calorie content.


When you are working out, eating the right foods is important. Few people tend to exercise extensively but see no results as they do not focus on their diet. Most of your progress depends on the food you eat. If you are not eating right, there is no use in all the workout sessions that you are putting your effort into.

After exercising, replenishing your energy stores is vital. And when we say replenish your energy stores, it is definitely not by eating at your favorite fast-food chain or a restaurant. Nutrient-rich food helps your muscles recover, and grow stronger and tone your body into the physique you wish for.

The amount of calories that you need to consume depends on the intensity and duration of your workout as well as your body. Though eating healthy is a task, once you start enjoying it there is no going back.

Nonetheless, eating mindfully with all the essential nutrients required by your body always and not just while exercising can help you lead a healthier life with fewer complications.

Keep in mind to avoid everything that is refined, processed, deep-fried, with excess sugar, and anything labeled “healthy” or “diet”. Be sure to stay hydrated during and after your workouts. If you are serious about your fitness journey, it is recommended to hire a trainer as they can guide you throughout.

It is always recommended to consult a nutritionist to guide you with a diet plan according to what your body needs. Cut down the junk, eat more whole foods and you will be amazed by the results you notice.

Eating healthy is not always an easy task. It can be hard when you are out socializing with your friends. There can be one or two cheat days but it is your responsibility to have a limit and to control yourself to not cross it.

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