Boost your immunity with all-natural superfoods

How to improve immunity? This has become one of the most common questions recently especially since the pandemic has hit. People around the world kept trying to search for various ways to boost their immunity.

Have you been getting affected with flu or colds quite frequently? Then, there are chances that your immunity is weak. This is the sign to start feeding your body with certain foods to make your body strong.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, you must have tried out various herb decoctions, exercises and supplements to improve your health and avoid infection. Countless recipes kept pooping every other day claiming to be “immunity boosting”. Did they work for you, if you have tried them? 

Eating a couple of “superfoods” is not going to help you boost your immunity. In reality, eating the right food consistently will help you with boosting your immunity and stay healthy. Including a certain set of foods in your daily diet can build one’s immunity. 

Go on and read the article to understand better about the immune system and to discover the foods that’ll help you with keeping up your immune system.

What is immunity?

Immunity or the immune system is your body’s defence system. It is the mechanism by which the body fights against infections. When any foreign body or germs enter your body, the immune system gets activated to kill those germs. 

This involves various ways in which this system operates. One of which is that it releases certain cells called antibodies which attach to the pathogens and kill them. The white blood cells play a crucial role in the immune system.

Which foods can boost immunity?

A nourishing and well-balanced diet is important to stay healthy. Immune-boosting foods should include all the essential nutrients; vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein and many others that can enhance the immune system. 

Here’s a list of foods that may help you with it. 

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are wonderful sources of vitamin C. It’s the good old remedy that probably everyone does, especially when they have a cold. Vitamin C is known to elevate the production of white blood cells (WBCs).

Furthermore, this helps in fighting the infection. Eat citrus fruits like oranges, kiwis, grapes, limes and lemons daily as your body can not store or produce this vitamin. Fed up with having a cold for more than a week?

Eat citrus fruits, it will speed up your recovery process and you will recover quicker. 

Nuts and dry fruits

Antioxidants are of key importance for a healthy immune system. For being fit, you need to consume nuts like almonds, cashews and walnuts which are rich in vitamin E. These nuts are not only packed with protein but are high in healthy fats as well.

These may help you in staying energetic for long periods. The daily requirement of vitamin E for adults is about 15mg. A handful or a quarter cup of almonds can be a great replacement for any other unhealthy snack. 

Green leafy vegetables

Eating green leafy vegetables is a nightmare for many! You may have come across people who make weird faces when they even talk about greens like broccoli or spinach. Are you one of them? It is time for a change.

These veggies have abundant amounts of vitamins (A, C and E), minerals, antioxidants and of course fibres. We suggest you eat these vegetables raw or cooked minimally, as it is essential to retain their nutrients as much as possible.

Spinach and broccoli will help you improve your infection-fighting capability drastically and provide your gut with bioactive compounds to keep it healthy. 


Anthocyanin, a flavonoid which has antioxidant properties is present in blueberries. As per studies, flavonoids are said to play a vital part in the defence system of the respiratory tract. It has also been proved that people who ate foods with flavonoids are less likely to get the common cold than people who do not.

Berries such as blueberries, Elderberry or Acai berry help your body fight against infection-causing organisms.


Ginger is again the most common ingredient that we can turn to when we are sick. This, though an old home remedy, works like magic. Ginger is a perfect solution for sore throat and any other inflammatory conditions.

It has many other uses apart from reducing inflammation. Did you know that ginger can help with nausea? It may reduce chronic pain. It is said that ginger can help in lowering cholesterol levels in your body.


Have you ever noticed that you can find garlic in almost every dish around the world? Apart from adding a little zest to your food, it makes them healthy. Its cold-preventing property comes from a compound “allicin”.

It is also said to help lower blood pressure. Although, there is still research going on regarding this property of garlic. A cup of ginger tea every day and garlic in your dishes works as a great immune boost to your body.


A cup of tea is something we go to for refreshing our mood. It can even be credited for boosting your immunity. Green tea or black tea is filled with antioxidants called flavonoids.

Black tea can be a good source of the amino acid, L-theanine which help in the production of T-cells in your body which are of prime importance in the infection-fighting capability.


Chicken, red meat or pork are fully packed with proteins. Our body needs proteins to repair and build tissues. A bowl of hot chicken soup when you have a cold can feel like heaven. Do you know the scientific benefit of this?

The soup can reduce inflammation and improve symptoms. The amino acids that are present in the chicken protein can help in the formation of antibodies, the backbone of the immune system. This helps your body fight the infection.

Chicken and Turkey are high in Vitamin B-6. It is a vital component in the formation of red blood cells. Moreover, the chicken broth contains essential nutrients which are helpful in healing your gut.

Turmeric and other spices

As you may have heard from your grandmothers or elders, Indian spices have the amazing property of improving your immunity. Turmeric, pepper, cinnamon and cloves which are very commonly seen in Indian cuisine can cleanse your body.

Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory compound, curcumin which can act as an antiviral apart from being an immune booster. This yellow and bitter spice, a key ingredient of almost all Indian dishes is said to decrease muscle damage caused by exercise.

No wonder why a decoction of these spices has become so popular during the outbreak of coronavirus.

Dairy products

Dairy products, which are fermented are rich in probiotics can keep your gut healthy. Yoghurts and smoothies are people’s favourites. They can be easily consumed and they will help you enhance your health.

It is better to consume plain yoghurt instead of flavoured ones as they can be loaded with unnecessary sugars. Just in case you like your yoghurt sweet, drizzle little honey or top it up with fresh fruits. Yoghurt is said to be one of the best sources of vitamin D. This boosts our body’s natural defence against infections.

These are a few foods that can improve your body’s immune power. Some other immune-boosters that you should include in your diet are:

  • Red bell peppers
  • Fish
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Dark chocolate

Other ways to improve immunity

Eating one or two of these foods that are mentioned above is not going to boost your immunity miraculously. Eating the right food as consistently as possible is key in protecting you from any sort of illness starting from a common cold to any serious disease.

Some basic practices like avoiding smoking and drinking can prevent the associated health risks. Oral hygiene is widely neglected by many people. Nevertheless, good oral hygiene can be crucial in your body’s defence systems.

Hand-washing has become even more crucial in recent times, thanks to coronavirus. Practising correct hand washing can prevent many infections. Stress and your sleep schedule are also seen to have a powerful impact on your immune system.

Exercising, minimising stress and getting enough sound sleep regularly can help with improving your immunity and maintaining your health. A healthy weight also plays an essential part in preventing many complications.


Eating the above-mentioned foods may strengthen your immune system and help you fight off infections better. That being said, it is not that easy to boost your immunity. It involves eating nutritious and a balanced diet, staying physically fit and exercising regularly.

A healthy lifestyle is indeed a stepping stone towards achieving the best for your body. Being mindful of your habits like smoking and drinking also can influence your immune system.

If you notice yourself down with energy or catching a cold every once in a while, it is an indication that your body needs a boost for its defence system. It is suggested to consult a physician if you get frequent fevers, colds or any other illnesses as it may be due to a dip in your immune power.

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