In this day and age where millions of people desire and set out on a journey towards weight loss, many people are unable to gain weight to stay and look fit.

There might be a multitude of reasons for a person not to gain weight and few of which are mentioned below:

  • A medical condition like hyperthyroidism, Type 1 diabetes, bowel disorders, eating disorder, or metabolic disorders.
  • Insufficient calorie intake.
  • Insufficient workout to build muscle.
  • Filling up due to excess water intake.
  • Strenuous physical activity.

How to know if you have not hit your ideal weight range

According to the CDC ( The Centre for disease control and prevention ), you fall into the category of underweight if your index is below 18.5. What is BMI you might ask, BMI short for body mass index is an indicator or a measure of the amount of body fat based off of your height and weight.

How to calculate your BMI

BMI = Weight ( in kilograms )/ Height (cm) x height (cm)

A body weight chart for reference

< 16Extremely thin
16 – 17Moderately thin
17 – 18.5Mildly thin
18.5 – 25Normal
25 – 30Overweight
30 – 35Obese class 1
35 – 40Obese class 2
> 40 Obese class 3

It can be just as difficult to gain weight as it is for losing weight, people can not easily increase their calorie intake and appetite.

Here are a few foods that can help you gain weight:

Protein shakes

Homemade protein shakes or powders are a great source of high quantity and quality nutrition which is a quick way to gain weight. Additionally, homemade protein shakes give you the added benefit of choosing your flavour and nutrient content as per your requirements and liking.

The chocolate banana shake is one of the most loved protein shakes. Add one banana and one tablespoon of peanut butter (or any nut butter of your liking) to one scoop of chocolate whey protein. Other popular protein shakes that you may enjoy are vanilla blueberry shakes and a chocolate hazelnut protein shake.


Milk is one of the age-old remedies to cause weight gain and build muscle. It is highly rich in vitamins and minerals and has an adequate amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates along with calcium that helps your bones become thicker and stronger.

It has been scientifically found that milk paired with weight lifting can add muscle. Try consuming 2 glasses of milk or about 500 – 700 ml of milk per day along with a snack before and after your workout session.

Some of the common snacks on the sides are a cup of frozen berries and a spoonful of honey on the side.

People who are lactose intolerant and lack a specific gene that helps in the digestion of lactose sugar can substitute normal milk for soy or almond milk as they do not contain lactose.


Rice is a very convenient source of a low-carb meal that can help you in gaining weight. As rice is calorie dense, a small serving can reach the required carbohydrate and calorie count. This is an advantage to people who have a poor appetite as they can add more meals and consume more food.

Some do not enjoy eating rice. However, rice with added toppings like a protein source and curries can make it an interesting meal. It can be a complete meal with added protein, vegetables and sauces.


Nuts and their butter are a great addition to your meals if you are planning on gaining weight. Small portions of nuts have all the vital nutrients, that is, protein, healthy fats and fibres. These are high in calories. For this reason, having two handfuls of nuts can make up a calorie-rich snack.

Nut butter on toast or in smoothies can shoot up the calorie count and can be a tasty and healthy snack that you may enjoy. Going for nut butter with no added sugars and oil is essential. You can always go for a homemade version as it is quick and easy to prepare.

Anything homemade is automatically healthy if eaten in the right proportions.


Starchy foods such as potatoes are the easiest ways to add calories to your regular meals. You need not worry about the cost as these foods are easy on your wallet. Be aware of what starchy foods are healthy and what are not as this can affect your overall diet.

Choose from the below-mentioned sources of starchy carbohydrates as they are healthy:

  • corn
  • sweet potatoes
  • potatoes
  • legumes
  • oats
  • quinoa

It is necessary to include complex carbohydrates in your meals. Healthy starches are not only rich in carbohydrates but also add more nutrients and fibre. These not only help you gain weight by adding calories but also by increasing your muscle glycogen stores.

Red meat

When you are building muscle, it is compulsory to add red meats to your diet. Red meats help in muscle-building as they are rich in leucine and creatinine. Leucine is an amino acid that boosts the synthesis of muscle protein.

As per studies, when resistance training is backed by red meats, the results of weight gain have been observed more. These individuals not only have gained weight but noticed an increase in strength and lean mass.

Lean meat and fatty meats are both rich in protein. Therefore, they help you put on those extra kilos.

Healthy fats

Looking for easy sources of rich and healthy calories? Add healthy fats and oils to your meals. One tablespoon of these oils added to your meals can spike up the calorie count.

Extravirgin olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil are healthy sources of fats. You can add these oils while cooking meals and to your salads. It is very crucial to stick to healthy oils and not use refined oils which are unhealthy.

Whole eggs

Add whole eggs to your diet and you will notice an uplift in your muscle-building. They are the sources of both healthy protein and fats. Some exclude the yolk and eat only the egg white. By doing this, you are eliminating many vital nutrients. So, consume whole eggs.

If you are aware that you are not intolerant to eggs, you may consume up to 3 whole eggs every day. Eggs cooked in any way are beneficial. Make them based on your liking. Do you like them poached, boiled or scrambled?

Omelettes are one of the favourite meals all around the world. Top it up with some cheese and vegetables and voila! you have the yummiest and most nutrient, calorie-rich meal.

Healthy cereals

Healthy cereals can be a great breakfast option which is rich in nutrients, carbohydrates and calories. Cooked oatmeal or overnight oatmeal is one of the best options. You can add in your best-loved toppings like dry fruits, nuts, fresh berries, granola or chia seeds.

A choice of cereal also plays a prominent role. You can go ahead with oats, granola, multi-grains and bran. While you try to consume healthy cereals, it is obligatory to stay away from processed cereal that has unnecessary added sugars. Always read the labels before buying.

Protein supplements

As you may have noticed, protein supplements have become widely popular these days. It is an easy and very common weight-gaining strategy that all athletes follow. There are various kinds available in the market which include soy, whey, pea and egg protein.

They are a valuable addition to your journey of gaining weight as they help you reach the necessary protein intake when you are under strength training. You may add these supplements to your smoothies or shakes at any point during the day, especially around workouts.

How to increase your consumption of energy-rich foods?

When looking for foods that help you gain weight, try emphasising more energy-dense foods. These foods are high in calories even when the serving size is small.

Mandatorily add vegetables, fruits, whole foods and grain to your meals. Spice up your meals by adding sauces, topping and other condiments as this may help you consume more of the meal and add up to your calorie intake.

Energy-dense foods like nuts, dried fruits, meat and grains as mentioned above are a compulsion in most of your meals.

Few tips for gaining weight

As you have already seen, eating calorie-dense meals combined with strength training can help you gain weight. Besides that, here are a few quick tips that help you consume more and gain weight.

  • Avoid drinking water before meals as this may make you feel full and you tend to consume lesser calories than the required amount.
  • Eat more often by adding additional snacks during the day and before going to bed.
  • Get enough quality sleep as this is needed for your muscle growth.
  • If you are someone who has trouble gaining weight, mass gainers are your go-to.


Gaining the right weight and lean mass is quite a difficult task. On the contrary, you can easily gain weight by eating junk, sugars and other processed foods. Nonetheless, this weight gained is unhealthy and can come with health complications,

It is important to gain weight in a way that is as healthy as possible. This is indeed a difficult task and may take time. However, consistency is the key. Being consistent with your diet and exercise routine will help you gain a sustainable weight and help you maintain the weight in the long run.

If you are unable to achieve the desired results even after eating the necessary calories and working out, it is suggested to consult a dietician or a doctor.

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