Healthy snacks for weight loss

Do you love snacking during a busy day or while binge-watching a TV show? It is common to feel hungry in between meals. Having short meals or snacks is necessary. 

The first thing that comes to anyone’s mind when thinking about snacks is a packet of chips, all-time favourite fries or some sort of street food. Isn’t it? But what about when you are on a diet or trying to make healthy food choices? You might wonder if there could be no healthy snacks.

It is easy to go for junk or fried food when your cravings take over or when you are extremely hungry. Nevertheless, these snacks are high in sugar and fat. Besides having many calories, they do not have any nutritional value.

Though they satisfy your taste buds, there’s a risk that you may overeat these foods and this adds up to your weight. Not only do they make you put on weight, but they can also worsen your health if consumed regularly.

Your choices of snacks can be game-changing. They can break or make your fitness goal. Snacking can be done mindfully with the right choices. 

It’s a misconception that you need to starve while on a diet. However, eating small nutrient-rich foods in between meals can prevent you from starving and overeating consequently. It energises you to get through the day until your next meal. 

You might already know how pre-planning your meals is crucial especially when you are on a diet or aiming to lose weight. Planning your snacks ahead of time and carrying them with you can help you avoid eating junk foods and stick to your diet.

What can be considered a healthy snack? 

A snack should be more than just a pack of calories. It should be packed with protein, carbohydrates and fats like any other meal. It is even more beneficial if a snack has fibre as this can make you feel full for a longer time.

A perfect snack should be low in calories but nutrient-dense. You may not know about any healthy snacking options but worry not we’ve got you covered. We curated a list of healthy yet tasty snacks for you that you can eat throughout the week.

They’ll surely help you a few pounds as well! Some of these snacks are high in fat and protein for all those people who are on a low-carb diet. 

Nuts: Any nuts of your choice be it almonds, walnuts or peanuts. They are rich in fibre and healthy fats. 

Grapes: This is the quick solution for all your sugar cravings. Grapes not only satisfy your sugar cravings but also are hydrating and fibre-rich. 

Dark chocolate: Giving up on chocolates when trying to lose weight can be the most difficult task for any chocolate lover. But what if you can still have chocolate while on a diet? Yes, a small portion of organic dark chocolate can be a great snack when you are trying to lose weight. Make sure to not overheat. 

Popcorn: Surprisingly, popcorn can make up a good healthy snack when not topped up with butter or other add-ons. It is a low-calorie and fibre-rich snack which will make you feel full for long periods. 

Greek yoghurt: Have a protein-picked plain and unsweetened Greek yoghurt for your mid-day snack. Top it up with some fresh fruits like berries to spike up the nutrient content. 

Nut butter: Two tablespoons of your favourite nut butter (almond or peanut butter) can make you feel stuffed as it has large amounts of proteins and healthy fats. 

Watermelon: Watermelons not only hydrate you abundantly but can help you reach your fibre goal for the day. 

Healthy granola: Granola is a common snack. Are you having store-bought granola? Then, it is time to ditch it for fresh, homemade granola with a wide variety of nuts. Store-bought granola can have unnecessary ingredients and added sugars as well. 

Toast and egg: We all know egg on toast is a perfect breakfast. However, slightly lesser portion size can be considered a snack as well. Toast one whole wheat bread and have one egg (cooked per your preference; hard-boiled, scrambled or fried) with it. 

Apple with Greek yoghurt sauce: Do not enjoy eating apples? Then, you should try this dip. Add one tablespoon of nut butter of choice and a pinch of cinnamon powder to half a cup of plain and unsweetened Greek yoghurt. Dip the apple in this sauce and here’s your yummy and healthy snack. 

Chia pudding: Chia pudding without added sugars topped up with lime, raspberries and coconut. There’s no rule on which topping you add. You can add your favourite toppings like fresh fruits and nuts. 

Sweet potato fries: Excluding junk food while on diet is a nightmare for those who are pretty much obsessed with the regular French fries. These sweet potato fries are the best healthier version of French fries. Bake up these fries in an oven or an air fryer. Voila! There you have the crispy, non-greasy fries. 

Roasted chickpeas: Miss eating crunchy chips? These delicious and crunchy roasted chickpeas loaded with protein and fibre are the best replacement for chips. 

Dates: Dates are rich in fibre and antioxidants. They’re healthy and are ideal if you are craving something sweet. 

Roasted fox nuts: This snack is gluten-free. It is rich in protein and fibre. Make them in an air fryer or a skillet. Top them up with spices of your choice. 

Veggie sticks with hummus: Carrots or any veggie sticks along with hummus are a great snack to satisfy your hunger pangs. 

Apple with peanut butter and chocolate: This might sound like a very indulgent snack but in reality, it is filled with protein and fibre. Slices of an apple, topped with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a little melted dark chocolate sound like pure bliss. 

Fruit salad: Fruit salads are boring when you are eating fruits regularly. However, this is not your regular fruit salad. There is always a way to make boring food interesting and still lose weight! Here is the twist.

Fresh berries and banana salad with a citrus mint dressing! The citrus and the mint add delicious flavours to the salad.

Banana mocha smoothie: You miss having your cold coffee in the middle of the day? No worries here’s combining your caffeine requirements with something nutritious. Frozen bananas and cold brew coffee with cocoa powder is a better version of your regular cold coffee which is filled with calories and added sugar. 

Vegan fritters: Fritters can be healthy too! Cauliflower and onion fritter air fryer make up a mouthwateringly tasty yet healthy evening snack. 

Fruit smoothies: Fruit smoothies of your choice like apple, banana or peach will fill you up like no other and are rich in nutrients. Remember not to add in extra sugars. 

Avocado toast: Avocado toast which is protein-packed makes a perfect snack. You also can have just an avocado toast but topping it up with cottage cheese and some cherry tomatoes will make you reach one step closer to the nutrient goal for the day. 

Granola bars: Homemade chocolate chip granola bars are a classic. They’re delicious with all the chocolate chips, almonds, flax seeds and oatmeal. It not only provides you with fibre but omega 3 fatty acids as well. We suggest that you do not go for the regular store-bought ones as they have unwanted added sugars and fats. 

Cheese: A slice of cheese is something everyone would crave while on a diet. Can you believe that just one slice of cheese can be your evening snack? Yes, you may eat it just like that or with whole wheat toast. 

Nut butter crackers: Pre-packed or store-bought peanut butter crackers might look healthy but in reality, they have hidden unhealthy calories and ingredients. You may go for whole grain crackers and spread one tablespoon of any nut butter of choice between them. Voila! There you have the iconic, most-loved peanut butter crackers. 


Whether on a diet or not, it is always suggested to avoid the junk, fried or processed food as much as possible. Eating them often can increase the risk of several illnesses. Eating anything in moderation is the key. 

Snacks are indeed important “short” meals that help you not get exhausted or starving particularly when you are on a diet or trying to lose weight. From this article, you may have learnt about various healthy snacks that can be delicious and no less than junk foods.

Simple, homemade, tasty and nutritious foods which satisfy your hunger pangs make the ideal snacks. Most of these snacks are quite pocket-friendly. Avoiding junk and having these snacks can save you money as well.

If you are obliged to go out partying and do not want to eat out, you can always carry these snacks with you as they are pretty much handy. When you have apps like Wryll, there is no need to be concerned about what snacks to eat. You can plan ahead of time and make the snack you like the most.

Almost all the snack options that we have mentioned above can be premade in your free time and stored. Some of them can be made within minutes as well and you can get going for your busy day. 

Staying determined and consistent is the key when you are on the journey of mindful eating and making efforts toward eating healthy. It may be difficult in the beginning but eventually, you will start enjoying the process of making your meals rather than eating from a fast food chain or a restaurant. 

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