The ultimate guide on Hamstring exercises

Walking, running and climbing stairs are a few activities that require you to use your hamstrings.

Most people when they work out have an ultimate goal of looking appealing or just being muscular as compared to before. It is also very important to focus on performing better in life and not getting injured. That is the reason why we should train muscles other than the ones that are superficially seen.

This is the reason why you should train your hamstrings allowing you to run faster, jump higher and not tear easily with increased stress applied to them.

The hamstrings are a set of skeletal muscles which are three in number. The bicep femoris is the muscle close to the outside of the body, the semimembranosus is the farthest from the outside, and the semitendinosus is in the middle. These muscles are located on the back of the thigh which inserts into the knee.

The hamstring muscles cause a variety of anatomical functions like bending the knee, the extension of the hip joint, and rotating the hip joint. Flexing of the hamstrings causes you to bend your knees these motions are really important, especially in athletes.

Hamstrings provide the most important traits to an athlete like jumping, running, and lunging.

Here are a few exercises you should try to work on your hamstrings.


These are one of the most well know exercises when it comes to training the lower body. It greatly helps with strengthening the hamstrings.


  • Place your feet hip-width apart.
  • Pushing your hips as back as you can.
  • Hold the barbell as your keep your core tight and your spine neutral.
  • Lift the bar off the ground without lowering your legs.
  • Slowly lower the bar back.

Perform 6 reps if your back lets you or else 4 should be good.

Sumo squat

This exercise works on the adductor muscles of the hamstrings, it can be very useful if you add the sumo squats to your routine, It has also been shown to engage your core and glutes.


  • Stand straight with your feet wider than your hips and rotated outwards.
  • Hold your hands straight out horizontal to the ground.
  • Get into a squatting position while you embrace your core and maintain your spine straight.

Perform 18 to 20 reps and 3 sets.

Raise back to the starting position with the help of your feet. You can also perform this exercise with a kettlebell.

Romanian deadlifts

This exercise causes the extension of the hips, and a slight bend in the knees causes you to pressure your hamstrings.


  • Stand straight with your feet wide apart.
  • bend your knees slightly.
  • Hold a barbell with an overhand grip.
  • Pushing your hips back lift the weight and make it glide close tour your legs.
  • Lower the weights when you feel a pull in your hamstrings.
  • Return to the starting position.

Anywhere from 8 to 12 reps and 3 sets.

Hamstring curl

It is a bodyweight exercise that strengthens your hamstrings.


  • Stand with your feet wide apart.
  • Shift all the weight of your body onto one leg as you place your hands on your hips.
  • Bend the knee of the opposite leg backward.
  • Keep your thighs horizontal to the ground and bring your heels close to your glutes.
  • Lower your foot.

10 to 15 reps and 2 sets.

Glute bridge

It is excellent for the beginner or non-gym goers as it requires no equipment. You may use a dumbbell or a barbell if you wish to make the exercise more challenging.


  • Lay down on the floor and bend your knees at 90 degrees.
  • Place your arms on the sides.
  • Your feet should be wide away from each other.
  • Push your hips up towards the ceiling as you brace your core and squeeze your glutes.
  • Hold for a second and lower your hips.

Perform 15 reps of 3 sets

Hip thrust

Similar to glute bridges are one of the most popular exercises for the glutes and hamstrings.


  • Place your shoulders on a bench.
  • Bend at your knees.
  • Place a dumbbell or a barbell on your hips and hold it with your hands.
  • Once in the correct position push your hips upwards as you squeeze in your glutes and brace your core.
  • Slowly come back to the same position.

Perform 20 reps and 3 sets.

Reverse Lunges

This exercise greatly strengthens your glutes, hamstrings, and calves.


  • Stand straight with your feet wide apart.
  • Place one foot backward.
  • Bend both knees until your thighs have become parallel to the ground.
  • Embrace your core.
  • Bring the leg back to the normal position and perform with the other leg.

8 reps with 5 sets on each leg.


Who doesn’t know about squats? One of the best exercises when it comes to overall training of the muscles in the legs. It is the best to known for targeting the glutes, hamstrings, and calves.


  • Stand with your feet wide away from each other.
  • As you engage your core, bend your legs slowly like you are sitting on a chair.
  • Make sure your thighs are horizontal to the ground.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds and come back to normal.
  • Repeat.

3 sets with 15 to 18 reps each.

Remember to keep your face straight and look forward.


Hip extension exercises greatly help with the glutes. Beginner friendly and can be performed at home with minimal equipment. Require only a bench or a surface that is not too high off the ground.

  • Stand straight in front of the bench.
  • Lift one right foot off the ground and place it on the bench.
  • Start the exercise by lifting the other left foot and placing it on the bench.
  • Now slowly place the left foot on the floor and this accounts for one rep.

Perform 10 reps, 3 sets on each side.

Kettlebell swings

Kettlebells as already discussed in our other articles are exceptional instruments to build cardio and train multiple muscle groups at once as they provide different planes of movement. Kettlebell swings have been shown to engage the hamstrings.


  • Stand with your feet adequately spaced.
  • Hold a kettlebell in both your hands.
  • Make sure your spine is in a neutral position.
  • Bend your knees very slightly.
  • Pull the kettlebell backward between your thighs and with the help of your hamstrings and glutes create momentum and raise the kettlebell up in a swinging motion up to the chest.

Either perform 3 sets for 5 minutes each or 3 sets with 12 reps each.

Good morning

These are highly effective back and hamstring exercises.


  • Stand straight keeping your core tight.
  • Place a barbell at your neck.
  • Place your hands on the barbell close to your ears.
  • As your bend, your knees, hinge forward.
  • Remember to keep your back straight.
  • When you feel tightness in your hamstrings go back to the normal position.

2 sets of 12 reps each.

Reverse plank

A relatively easy exercise as compared to its normal variant. This exercise greatly engages the glutes, forearms, hamstrings, and core.


  • Sit down on the floor with your legs stretched in front of you.
  • Arms are at least shoulder-width away. Retract your arms, palms facing the floor.
  • By pressing your hands against the floor and lifting your hips off the ground making sure only your heels and your hands are on the ground.
  • With a straight back, maintain this position for 30 seconds.
  • Lower and repeat.

Repeat at least 3 times.

Make sure you engage your glutes, core, and hamstrings. It is important you maintain your body straight.

Injury of the hamstring muscles

The hamstrings are the commonest injuries in sports and are quite susceptible. Straining these muscles by overstretching them, sudden stops during a run can cause them to be injured and these injuries are commonly called pulled hamstrings.

Anybody who is above the age of 40 is susceptible to a hamstring injury, as already started athletes are most susceptible, people with a previous hamstring injury or people with tight hamstrings.

Remember to rest and limit the amount of walking when you have pulled your hamstring. Best you consult a doctor. Applying an ice pack reduces inflammation. Elevate the hamstring above the level of the heart as it reduces any pain and swelling. To immediately reduce the pain take NSAIDs.

You can avoid this by regularly engaging your hamstrings in a workout and warming up before a workout.


The hamstring exercises help build mobility and strength increasing your lifestyle performance and performance in sports. Most of the exercises mentioned above can easily be performed in the confront of your home thus leaving no reason for you to skip out on them.

Make sure you add them to your schedule do yourself a favor and avoid overexerting the hamstrings because with these injured it becomes really hard for you to even stand on your feet. Adequate rest can go a great distance and you might also want to consider seeking help from a professional if needed.

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