Workout your doubts on breathing exercises

If you have found yourself interested in performing breathing exercises. Try taking a deep breath and then let it out. Your breathing is a very powerful way to control your stress levels, performing some simple breathing exercises for some time during the day can make a significant difference in your day-to-day life and your general physical and mental health.

In this article, we go on to discuss the different types of breathing we perform, the advantages of breathing exercises on your daily life and health, and various types of breathing exercises.

Similar to how strength training improves strength, and causes growth of muscle mass in individuals, cardio workouts improve blood circulation to the brain and improve stamina.

Why should you perform breathing exercises and their benefits

  • Breathing exercises help you reduce stress and anxiety

Breathing exercises help with stress and anxiety by improving oxygen exchange reducing your blood pressure and heart rate and releasing tension in your abdomen. these physical changes bring your mental state back to normal.

  • Improves your cognitive functions

Performing breathing exercises regularly has shown associated with an improvement in concentration and focus, it immensely enhances your memory and decision-making ability.

  • It proves your quality of sleep

Breathing exercises help you have controlled breathing, lowering your body and reducing your blood pressure which helps calm your mind, this reduces any stress, and the lesser the stress the more the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melanin which is usually found in less quantity in people with insomnia.

  • It is good for your lungs

Regularly practicing breathing exercises help you remove any stale air that is present in the lungs and not being removed with the help of normal breathing, it has also been found that deep breathing can help remove mucous that has been formed due to pneumonia in the lungs and improves the quality of the airway.

It is also a very beneficial exercise to do for asthmatics as it also increases your lung capacity.

  • Helps with Cardiovascular functions and diseases

Breathing exercises help reduce blood pressure and ultimately reduce excessive stress on the heart which can prevent fatal conditions like stroke and heart diseases, improves circulation, and reduces the risk of shock ( inadequate blood flow to any organ of the body)

  • Helps detox your body

As obvious as it sounds regular controlled breathing in a rich environment can immensely help remove toxic gases from your lungs and the circulating blood.

  • Gives your glowing skin

As many people desire glowing clean skin but are unable to achieve it miss out on the fact that something so basic as performing breathing exercises is an important thing you have been missing out on as it causes increased oxygen intake and circulation which increases blood thrust and purifies the blood thus producing a clear skin that people have always desired.

  • Breathing exercises help with digestion

Regularly performing breathing exercises can help with the smooth functioning of the digestive system and helps get rid of multiple gastrointestinal issues like constipation, abdominal pain, indigestion, and bloating. It has also been shown to provide relief from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which causes acidic content of the stomach to be pushed up into the esophagus.

All these symptoms are relieved when the diaphragm is pushed up and down during the breathing exercises it produces a massaging effect on the internal organs and the stomach thus helping with digestion.

  • A major factor in helping with weight loss

As already discussed, breathing exercises help increase lung capacity and oxygen intake excessive oxygen helps burns fat deposits in the body by causing the fat cells to shrink and releasing excessive carbon dioxide present in them.

Kapalabhati pranayama is one such breathing exercise that helps you lose belly fat and tone your abdominal muscles.

You can also check out our other articles for yoga asanas specifically used for weight loss.

  • Relieves joint pains

The increased oxygen levels in the cells of the joints and muscles have a positive effect, it makes them stronger and prevents them from any tearing during a strenuous exercise thus decreasing the effects of physical strain and maximizing the ability of your muscles and joints to withstand them.

  • Reduces inflammation in the body

A study conducted by BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine has gone on to report that breathing exercises performed regularly for at least 20 minutes a day can reduce stress indication of inflammation and prove relief from inflammation in the body that can be caused due to conditions like infections, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, cancer, arthritis, and type 2 diabetes to name a few.

  • It acts as an anti-ageing

As already discussed in the article breathing exercises helps with getting and maintaining healthy glowing skin, it prevents wrinkles, it helps reduce weight and belly fat, help reduce stress both physical and mental, and correct bad body posture by giving strength to your muscles and joints and prevents or delays some common problems seen in elderly people, for example, digestive problems.

  • It helps build immunity

Breathing exercises help increase and boost your immune system which is more beneficial due to reduced stress.

Different types of breathing

There are different types of breathing that require a slightly different process for inspiration and expiration. Lung capacity has increased in us humans according to and to serve our requirements.

The different types of breathing are Eupnea, costal breathing, diaphragmatic breathing and hyperpnea


It is the normal type of breathing and is seen during rest, it does not require us to have cognitive thoughts about it, it is also called quiet breathing and during this the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm touch.

Diaphragmatic breathing

This is a type of breathing that require the muscles of the diaphragm to contract, as the diaphragm contracts air flows in and is called inhalation, and when the diaphragm relaxes the air flows out passively without any pressure from the person. Diaphragmatic breathing is also known as deep breathing.

Costal breathing

This type of breathing requires the contraction of the costal muscles that are present between the ribs. this breathing is also called shallow breathing and is commonly seen during stress situations like panic attacks, anxiety, asthma other conditions like hyperventilation and pneumonia.

Hyperpneaic breathing

This is a type of breathing that can occur during heavy physical activity like exercise as during this the breathing pattern needs to be controlled, this is also called forced breathing and during this both inspiration and expiration there is muscle contraction.

Different types of Breathing exercises

The pursed lip breathing

This is an exercise that reduces the number of breaths you take and also helps keep your airway large, this is useful for performing more physical activity

how to perform:

try to relax your neck shoulder and your back.

Inhale slowly for 2 seconds as you keep your mouth closed

Shape your lips as if you are whistling and exhale slowly as you blow out through your lips for 4 seconds

Breathe focus technique

Lie down on the floor and make yourself comfortable, try to concentrate on your breathing and alternate your breaths between deep and normal. Place your hand on the belly and notice how your belly rises and falls with each breath.

Alternative nostril breathing

  • Get seated and make yourself feel comfortable.
  • place your right hand on the nose
  • and press both your middle and ring fingers down
  • After each exhale use the right thumb to close the right nostril
  • Now inhale through the left nostril and close the left nostril with your pinky finger and exhale through your right nostril
  • Continue this cycle 10 times.

Lions breathing

  • Get seated in a comfortable position
  • Press your palms against your knees with the fingers
  • inhale deeply through your nose
  • stick your tongue out
  • Exhale while you contract your muscles making a “haa” sound.

Sitali breathing

  • Sit down making yourself comfortable.
  • Stick your tongue out and curl in.
  • Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
  • Continue the cycle for 5 to 10 cycles.

Humming bee breathing

  • Sit comfortably and close your eyes
  • Keep the muscles of your face relaxed and put your fingers on the cartilage covering the ear canal.
  • Make a loud humming sound while you keep your mouth closed

Equal breathing

  • Slowly inhale and exhale through your nose
  • Count each exhale and inhale for up to 5 seconds and make sure it is maintained.
  • Perform for 10 minutes.


The health benefits one can get out of breathing exercises are many and No side effects, make sure you get yourself into comfortable surroundings preferably one with good lighting and fresh air. There are easy to do and require little to no supervision, unlike strength training.

Make sure you perform these breathing exercises regularly to reap any benefits from them and help you even see long-term advantages. You can start off by performing these exercises for 5 to 10 minutes a day and increase the time and number of times a day you perform the exercises to see the benefits according to your schedule.

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